funtasticko design

ARTIGA, adakah ini klon R3 (R tiga)?

46 Komen

UPDATE : Gambar Interior

UPDATE : Enjin dengan supercharger

Tu dia kereta konsep yang diberi nama ARTIGA, yang berasaskan Satria Neo. Muka depannya menunjukkan new design language Proton, yang berkonsepkan single graphic face. Enjin CPS nya juga mempunyai supercharger yang terdapat pada Satria Neo supercharger versi Lotus Renault GP. Adakah ini hint untuk Satria Neo turbo facelift nanti?

* Kalau neo fl pakai lampu & gril macam ni menarik juga, cuma perlu tambahkan skit perencah bagi lagi kaw design ni, 🙂

sumber :

46 thoughts on “ARTIGA, adakah ini klon R3 (R tiga)?

  1. Betul tu, lampu cantik.. Bumper ala2 saga fl ..

    tapi macam tak kena je wide body dia..

  2. lawa gile depan die.. bukan yang sblh kete tu ye. haha. tp body mcm spoil sket. area ekzos tu lawa gak. bile neo nk jadi camnie. klua la sblm myvi. bleh emet bli. hehe

  3. depan ade gaya2 WW sirocco skit…

  4. pandai betul la org cina copy nama

  5. ARTIGA – R3

    ni nama inspirasi dari PeROtDUA ker?


    ASTIGA – at least kat tengah tu ada nama STIG..

    jangan ASTAGA sudahhh..

  6. bodykit mcm buat kat kedai ahbeng je..

  7. saya rasa die ambil nama dari R3 decision dan di”roman”kan dalam bahasa melayu untuk menjadikannye kereta R3. X salah die namakan mcm tu.. Sebab kite tahu buat masa sekarang, main produk R3 adalah satria neo..
    Tapi saya pelik. nape R3 x R3 kan kereta lain proton..
    Sebagai contoh Saga FL R3 kat Thailand Ari tu.. kalau jual sekarang, gerenti abis myvee.. Mungkin tunggu transmisi baru baru nak buat kot..
    Dan saya harap sangat R3 Division meng”R3″kan Exora.. Sebab kalau Exora ada R3, Serious leh masuk/compete ngan Caldina walaupun x sama segment..

  8. depan mcm sama konsep dgn saga FL. ke dia teaser satria neo FL (kalo betol wujud) mcm Saga FL dulu masa KL motorshow?

    unless kalo ni youngman amik buat rebadge lagik (mcm europstar rcr=gen2) sbb ni lambang yougman kan?

    all in all, kalo bleh faceliftkan neo ni, bring it up to date with LED lamps dgn interior baru pergh jugak!!

  9. Hahah..

    Memang selera cina great wall ni pelik.

  10. menarik depan dia..wide body lemau…

  11. apakah maksud logo pada stereng dan pada enjin artiga?

    offtopic : saya rasa exora fl nak lancar x lama lagi. tadi terserempak berhampiran kedai proton. exora tersebut baru sampai dengan 2 saga fl.

  12. lampu dpn lawa…

  13. wow gempak design keta nie..kalau la neo r3 keluar lampu dpn mcm nie kan best..ada gak beza dgn yg ada dkt atas jalan..interior cun tp radionyer mana???xnampak lak

  14. I hope r3 will have supercharge kit. but it should marry with proper gearbox ratio unless the car will have ‘strong oil’= kuat minyak.

    6speed the answer. hope after hope. i really want to see proton beats other car.

    proton run 4000 rpm for 140kmh with booming engine, but honda smiles at relaxd 3000 rpm at 140kmh.
    really really hope that proton can go to that level seriously. then we can proud that proton has produce a good car. in short, all its down to the engine capability which we still waiting for this.

    this is what translate to the consumer as ‘sedap’ the right foot when feather the accelerator pedal.

    and one more please change the plastic material for saga and exora to a more scratch resistance like the persona.

  15. awak,they already change exora material to anti scratch on exora mc1 which has darken interior. For saga,not yet,but i think maybe for saga fl phase 2 in august.

  16. yup sbrnnya byk juga part baru upgrade material n betulkan sedikit engineering parts utk saga fl phase 2 itu.

    btw, interior artiga ini so far the best n kacak pernah aku tgk on neo! 😀

  17. last time, proton use ELTIGRE for specific model.
    so ARTIGE would capture the same spirit probally.

  18. tp artiga ni takde ICE.. mesti purpose tuk racing je ni

  19. tang depan tu memang smart la..tang tepitu nampak kalaka sket

  20. theking any news that the neo will be powered by cfe?

  21. what makes me wonder is the air box. is it factory mold or a cut and paste from the existing (temporary one off).

    we understand its a prototype. but if its a factory mold then might be a brighter chance for it to be a standard kit or there will be a satria neo supercharged for production.

    and batter if the supercharger to have an intercooler like the lotus.

    (every day we dream of proton to be ahead from others. but,,)

  22. Haiii.. Bilelah Spyshot interior nak kuar.. Penat menunggunyer.. Dah la jadi sepi lak blog bro campro..

  23. Bro campro. Ape kate time boring2 nh bro campro share vid.. all about cars la…

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