funtasticko design

ARTWORK : Proton TUAH impressi saya “full version”!!!

17 Komen

Akhirnya lengkaplah Proton TUAH atau Persona R versi saya. Inilah hasilnya, kalau ada yg pandai buat 3D macam bro fridz try la jadikan dia 3D, lagi gempak..hehehe…sesuai dijadikan wallpaper desktop/laptop anda, sy siap frame lagi letak kat ofis  😉

17 thoughts on “ARTWORK : Proton TUAH impressi saya “full version”!!!

  1. Bro mmg cantik la bro punya rendering utk tuah concept.klau proton boleh kuar kete mcm ni mmg sah meletup la sales proton

    • tq bro, sy harapkan Persona R yang real lebih garang dari yang sy buat ni..bukan pe, kalau Proton nak ketengahkan “new family face” inspirasi dari harimau yang jadi logo Proton, maknanya muka kereta akan datang Proton mestilah garang umpama harimau mengaum..sebenarnya harimau tengah mengaum la jadi inspirasi saya..headlamp macam mata harimau, grille mcam hidung & bumper mcam mulut tengah ternganga keluar taring..hehehe..

  2. saya suka sisi dan belakang.. ada curve2 cam hyundai….!! harap proton buat cam ni.. menarik bro!! tahniah…..

  3. belakang saya lebih suka Tuah yg asli.

  4. mantopp dpn broo.. tp blkng mntain lagi smart aaa…

  5. off topik.
    Tony Fernandes mesti bengang dan tertekan punya… Keluarga Chapman dah keluarkan kenyataan sokong Group Lotus dan berpendapat nama Team Lotus tak sepatutnya digunakan. muahahaha.

  6. Tuah rendering ni terlalu garang dan terlalu sporty. kalau keluar takut tak boleh jual macam Gen-2 punya kes dulu. orang yang family dan agak berumur tak sesuai dan tak sajak dengan kereta-kereta macam ni. Dulu proton juga gagal dalam kes Waja sebab orang muda tak suka, design lebih sesuai untuk orang tua. Wira contoh terbaik orang tua dan muda pun sesuai guna. Sebab tu laku.

    • tapi tu trend 10-15 tahun yang lalu, sekarang tengoklah trend terkini yang telah dirintis oleh Audi, BMW, KIA & Hyundai..lebih kepada sporty tapi ikut segment, bagi saya segment C ni lebih kepada sporty family sedan..contoh yg ada dlm segment ni Audi 4, BMW 3 series, Merc C class, KIA Forte, Hyundai Avante, Mazda 3 dan lain2..cuba bandingkan dengan Corolla Altis yang berlagak jadi orang muda dengan design orang tua, kan nampak hodoh..hahaha..zaman sekarang kena create wow impact, Gen.2 pun masih lg nmpak fresh berbanding dengan model sezaman dengannya yg telah tua.. 🙂

    • mmm… gen2 kurang sket permintaanya sebab model nie segment hatchback yg tidak begitu popular di m’sia, Waja plak mid-sedan segment, org m’sia rata2 beli kereta2 mampu beli a.k.a murah jer, bukan kerana design mcm org tua:) Wira keluar pada masa yg tepat dgn kadar mampu milik rakyat m’sia pada masa tu:)


      • Hatchback ni popular sebenarnya. tengok aje Iswara Aeroback, Wira Aeroback, Kia Spectra. Sales amat memberangsangkan. Gen2 ni memang sporty sangat sampai orang takut nak beli. Kalau betul ok kenapa DSZ keluar model yang designnya agak ‘safe’?

      • tapi sekarang dsz dah mula beralih ke design yg lebih aggresif..cuba lihat Proton EMAS tu memang garang rupa dia, xmustahil Persona R ni mewarisi sifat garang tu sebab Tuah bukannya Persona R yg design ni cuma boleh diterima kat sini je, di mana persepsi dari segi design masih lagi tak berkembang sebab dibutakan dengan rekaan Jepun yang memang safe, tapi terlalu cepat Malaysia, come on guys..think out of box, jangan jadi katak bawah tempurung lagi kalau nak jadi bangsa maju.. 😉

  7. Good Response For Proton Gen2 And Satria Neo At Tokyo Auto Show
    From Alan Ting

    TOKYO, March 19 (Bernama) — Proton Gen2 and Satria Neo which made their
    debut in Japan through the Sixth International Auto Aftermarket Expo 2007
    (IAEE) have received a favourable response from auto enthusiasts here.

    Japan External Trade Organisation (Jetro) director for the Japanese trade
    division, Nobufumi Kurita, said Jetro, which organised the Malaysian auto
    industry participation in the expo, received many inquiries from potential
    Japanese companies which are interested to market the Malaysian-made cars.

    “We received a lot of inquiries, mostly from small Japanese car dealers
    who are serious in importing the cars to Japan,” he said.

    Kurita said most of the Japanese enthusiasts who visited the Malaysia Auto
    Industry booth at IAEE 2007 were impressed with the car design which they
    regarded as “catchy” and on par with the more established design.

    “Japanese auto experts have even visited the Malaysian booth and took a
    good look at the Proton Gen2 and made some constructive comments and
    analysis,” he said.

    “Even the young Japanese ladies were attracted to the design of Satria Neo
    Desire, although it is only a concept car,” he added.

    Kurita said as a start, Proton could use small Japanese car dealers to
    penetrate the market here as any foreign car imported with a quantity of
    below 100 units per year would only need to adhere to the strict smoke
    emission requirement.

    “If less than 100, you only need to tune up the smoke emission requirement
    with the Transport Ministry. Emission control is quite strict here,” he

    “For the rest, Japanese dealers would do their work as the law required
    the importer to take full responsibility while bringing in the car for
    Japanese market,” he added.

    Kurita said the two Proton models also caught the attention of Japan’s
    most popular newspaper, “Asahi Shimbun”, when it featured the cars
    complete with colour pictures in its national publication yesterday.

    “They are very selective in news coverage. If you take up an advertisement
    in the daily, it would cost almost US$200,000,” he said.

    “Asahi Shimbun” is the most widely circulated Japanese national daily with
    an average circulation of eight million copies per day.

    A senior Japanese government trade officer also commended the Proton Gen2
    and Satria Neo for having good design.

    Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry’s director-general for manufacturing
    industries policy, Shunichi Uchiyama, who led Japan in its negotiations on
    the economic partnership agreement with Asean, said there was potential
    for the two models with good design to enter the Japanese market.

    A similar view was expressed by Suguru Ohkubo, one of the leading writers
    of the “Japanese Daily Automotive News” (“The Nikkan Jidosha Shimbun”).

    Ohkubu agreed that there was a big potential for Proton cars, particularly
    Gen2 and Satria Neo, to enter the Japanese market.

    This, according to him, was possible as long as Proton was ready to face
    the competitive Japanese market which has demanding requirements before
    and after sales.

    “My first impression is that the cars have good design. They are
    attractive for Japanese. It’s definitely on my shopping list, particularly
    the Gen2,” he said.

    However, Ohkubu said Japanese consumers were not only looking at good
    design but also other factors like delivery and customer satisfaction.

    “These are crucial factors in deciding which car they want to buy. I am
    personally not much worried about Proton cars,” he said.

    “I’m more worried about the future of the company itself,” Ohkubu said,
    adding Proton Holdings Bhd should take Mitsubishi as its strategic partner.


  8. Off topic,

    Salam Bro Campro, Saya nak mail Hyundai 2011 Calender (table) ke Bro Campro boleh bagi address?

    • w’salam..

      ni address ofis saya,

      B70 (atas), Lorong Bukit Setongkol 52,
      Taman LKNP, 25200 Kuantan,
      Pahang Darul Makmur

      memang tengah cari kalendar 2011 ni..tq bro 🙂

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